Getting You Back Online

Take advantage of our quick service and get it done today. Most repairs are same-day. Stop by today!

Everything We Count

Yes, we really on our way!




Years in Business




Devices Repaired

Any Questions or Concerns?

Absolutely NOT! We understand that most of our customers have busy lives and having to schedule something as simple as a screen replacement is silly! Stop by today!

We are open Sun-Wed 11:30am-6:30pm, and Thurs-Sat 11:00am-7:00pm.

We are closed most major holidays, please refer to our Google maps page for most up to date hours. 

Yes! We're able to perform same day repairs on most devices, such as iPhone, Samsung, and Pixels to name a few! Laptops, gaming consoles and other issues may require a few additional days to complete the repair. Call us today!

Yes! We have seating areas while we get your device fixed up!

What our customers say
Karin Blakemore
Karin Blakemore
2 days ago
This was a third totally positive experience with this phone repair place (honest, quick, polite, fair priced): for screen repair (30 mins once, an hour and a half another time with screen replaced + cleaning — I have a young disabled person’s phone issues there 3 times now. And got a great new used phone once when he left his phone somewhere and lost it. Sure bet. I drive 45 minutes to get there and it’s worth it!
Read more
4 days ago
Fixed our iPad really quick. Customer service was great!
george koerber
george koerber
8 days ago
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